Thursday, December 29, 2011


Textuality is the open production of meanings. Meaning - the product of differences, i.e., references - becomes a virtually infinite process. The option of repetition in other contexts incapacitates the retrieval of unambiguous meaning; it becomes unstable and intangible. The iterability of signs, their connections with other signs and contexts and the extendability of context preclude the rigorous circumscription of meaning. Textuality, this dissemination
The condition of the text is not one of autonomy from a general textual system, but of intertextuality. Texts have intertexts. They are included within texts in that they become part of a complex of texts that constitute the text in question. All texts cross-refer endlessly (and not necessarily only in the simple sense of quotation or citation). Texts have intertexts. Texts are intertexts in the sense of an 'internal' textual multiplicity. For each text, there are many textualities. Each text is considered divisible into other texts, indefinitely. The text is difference itself. Textuality is the movement of the texts' differing from itself, making itself different. 

Deconstruction is concerned with texts and their inscribed interrelations. It requires that the text be examined for its differences from other texts and deferrals into other texts. Deconstruction examines textual traces, marks, traits, signatures, and differences as they occur in writing. It connects into a text, which is already in circulation, whether this text is philosophical, historical, political, musical, etc. or dispersal of meanings, this play of differences in writing, in and between texts, is an irresistible force. It cannot be repressed. Textuality, intertextual interweaving, is a dynamic process. (Additionally, post-structuralism does not base itself on the assumption of a linear concept of time, but rather, on time as a space of infinite repetition.) Within a structure, there is always a non-structure functioning at the same time as well, 'something' which prevents the structure from closing up.

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